“The future lies within our own hands and is shaped by the decisions we make which also determines if we experience our fate or our destiny.”


Fate is often seen being as beyond our control, something that is predetermined and set in stone. It is often associated with a sense of helplessness and resignation, as if our lives are already mapped out for us and there is no way to change the course of our future. This can lead to a sense of stagnation and a lack of motivation, as we may feel that there is no point in striving for something better if it is all predestined anyway. Fate constricts and limits us. It is controlled by fear responses.

On the other hand, destiny is a more empowering concept. It is shaped by taking ownership of our lives and making choices that align with our true selves and values. It is about breaking free from the constraints of fate and creating our own path based on our innermost desires and passions. It requires introspection and self-awareness. We need to be more connected with our authentic selves and listen to our inner voice enabling us to determine our true purpose and calling.

Once realise we are making choices reactively rather than proactively, we can then decide to step into our power, unlock our true potential and become the true and authentic selves we are destined to be.

Stepping into our power is the only way we truly take control of our decisions and shape our destiny. We do this by stopping the reactive response and moving beyond fear-based response into a more proactive way of being which enables us to take responsibility for our choices and the direction of our lives.

It is not always that easy today because often our doubts and fears of our own potential are deeply embedded into our subconscious. They drive us, often before us we realise it is happening and then we find ourselves experiencing the same situations repeatedly. It is said that if you always do what you have always done you will always get the same things happening. So, do something different. Intend to take control and get out of the reactive victim response. Choose to make a conscious decision to choose different outcomes more conducive to our authentic self. Then and only then can we genuinely shape our destiny