“When you turn your back on the light you need to become aware of the shadow in front of you. As you move further away from the light your awareness of the presence of your shadow diminishes but so does your awareness of the original light.”


Light in this context represents truth, knowledge, wisdom, and divine guidance – everything that is pure and enlightening. It signifies our connectedness with our higher self and the Divine. On the other hand, the shadow symbolises our ignorance, fears, insecurities, and unprocessed emotions – all that we try to hide or run away from.

When we turn our backs on the light – that is, truth and wisdom – we are in danger of being led by our shadows rather than our light. When we follow our shadow we are not being our authentic selves but merely a distorted reflection of ourselves. This journey away from light might initially seem enticing as it offers us an escape from confronting our realities. However, as we move farther into darkness, we lose sight of the light and our authentic selves.

The spiritual essence of life encourages us to face these shadows rather than run away from them. For in confronting them lies the profound opportunity for growth and transformation. By acknowledging them instead of denying their existence, we allow ourselves to be bathed in self-awareness.

Our shadows are not meant to scare us or make us feel less about ourselves; they serve as mirrors reflecting aspects of ourselves that need healing and transformation. They exist to remind as opportunities to grow and learn as our spiritual growth is incomplete without understanding and integrating these darker aspects into our being.

While it may seem easier to walk away from challenges or uncomfortable truths about ourselves represented by ‘the light,’ this path only leads us further into darkness, illusion, and confusion. The irony is that the farther we walk away from the light, the less aware we become of our shadows, but the effect of following our shadows has taken us further away from our true selves.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are meant to evolve – to continually strive towards becoming better versions of ourselves. To do so requires us not just to bask in our light but also to face our shadows.

Remember, turning towards the light doesn’t mean denying the existence of darkness or your shadow self. It means acknowledging it, understanding it, accepting it and then choosing to illuminate it with love, compassion, forgiveness and wisdom.

When you embrace both your light and shadow sides equally without judgment or fear; when you learn to dance with both equally – a beautiful transformation begins. You start realising that shadows are only as powerful as the light that casts them. With this realisation comes liberation – a spiritual awakening that transcends all illusions.