“We are eternal beings, not just the flesh and blood we currently find ourselves inhabiting, while we are “being human,” but energy and light, woven into and out of the cosmos. Our physical senses limit our perception of reality, trapping us in illusions of mortality and finiteness. But by transcending these constraints, we unlock our true nature as infinite beings existing beyond time and space.”


Our senses are limited, attuned only to what our physical bodies can process. We are like radios, tuned into a specific station, unaware of the multitude of other frequencies that exist simultaneously around us. These other dimensions and realms of existence remain hidden, out of reach, due to our limited perception.

In essence, we are so much more than what we perceive ourselves to be. We are not just flesh and blood; we are energy and light, woven into the vast tapestry of the cosmos. We are eternal beings trapped in temporal bodies.

Our belief in our mortality and finiteness stems from our misperception of reality. As human beings, we live within the constraints of time and space, but this is merely an illusion- a distortion created by our limited understanding.

We do not simply exist within this narrow band of time and space; we exist beyond it. We exist in the infinite realm of eternity – a realm that defies all laws and limitations that govern our physical world.

The key to unlocking this eternal dimension lies within ourselves. By transcending our physical senses and expanding our consciousness, we can shatter these illusions and embrace our true nature as eternal beings.

In doing so, we realise that eternity is not something that lies ahead or behind us; it is something that exists within us. We hold eternity at bay not because it is out of reach, but because we choose to limit ourselves to a narrow spectrum of perception.

We must learn to see through these distortions – these illusions – in order to fully realise who we truly are: infinite beings living out finite experiences. Only then can we truly understand the magnitude of our existence and the limitless potential that lies within each one of us.